Little Niangua River (Missouri)

RiverLittle Niangua River
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Macks Creek (06925250) Currently poor (1 cfs) and steady

Trips for Little Niangua River (Missouri)

Click for details2020-05-06 Cedar Camp Banister Hollow Total trip distance: 3.7 miles3.7 Good Macks Creek (06925250) 288 5.86 None NoneNone Bacorn, Benjamin
Bacorn, Nathan
Bacorn, Tausha
Fletcher, Joshua
Fletcher, Stacey
Ingram, Annabelle
Ingram, Eric
Ingram, EJ
Ingram, Shaundra
Bacorn, Benjamin; Bacorn, Nathan; Bacorn, Tausha; Fletcher, Joshua; Fletcher, Stacey; Ingram, Annabelle; Ingram, Eric; Ingram, EJ; Ingram, Shaundra
The CFS was 311 and depth was 6.2. It was perfect for kayaking with little debris and no dragging. There are some beautiful caves up on the left around a big bend before you reach conservation land that you can go in and explore!The CFS was 311 and depth was 6.2. It was perfect for kayaking with little debris and no dragging. There are some beautiful caves up on the left around a big bend before you reach conservation land that you can go in and explore! USGS Gauge Data:
Macks Creek (06925250)
Discharge: 288
Height: 5.86
<b>USGS Gauge Data:</b></br />Macks Creek (06925250)<br />Discharge: 288<br />Height: 5.86
Source: IngramSource: Ingram

A total of 1 rows are displayed.

Trip Summary for Little Niangua River (Missouri)


Condition Descriptions

Fishing Conditions

Fish Species


Classic Trip List

The classic River Trips application is still available for use. It is updated with the new system using a data retrofit. It is no longer maintained. The original River Trips application is no longer updated (as of 1 Dec 2016) but can be checked for errors or for the condition of the data before it was converted to the new system.