White River (Arkansas)

RiverWhite River
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External site icon Arkansas Outdoors
Norfork (07057370) Currently unknown (4010 cfs) and falling

Trips for White River (Arkansas)

Click for details2022-04-14 Beaver Town Beaver Town Total trip distance: 4.0 miles4.0 High Norfork (07057370) 27300 12.60 None NoneNone Champlin, G
Champlin, J
Hunter, S
Hunter, T
Champlin, G; Champlin, J; Hunter, S; Hunter, T
Heading up stream was rather easy but working against the wind and current. Headed under the bridge and made a right down Butler Creek. When the water is up Butler is accessible to 1.5 - 2 miles back and is very scenic.Heading up stream was rather easy but working against the wind and current. Headed under the bridge and made a right down Butler Creek. When the water is up Butler is accessible to 1.5 - 2 miles back and is very scenic. USGS Gauge Data:
Norfork (07057370)
Discharge: 27300
Height: 12.60
<b>USGS Gauge Data:</b></br />Norfork (07057370)<br />Discharge: 27300<br />Height: 12.60
Source: HunterSource: Hunter
Click for details2015-11-11 Buffalo River (B) Shipps Ferry Total trip distance: 28.9 miles5.6 Good Norfork (07057370) 5180 5.43 Poor NoneNone Fillmore, Brian
Miller, Russ
Fillmore, Brian; Miller, Russ
No notes for this trip<i>No notes for this trip</i> USGS Gauge Data:
Norfork (07057370)
Discharge: 5180
Height: 5.43
<b>USGS Gauge Data:</b></br />Norfork (07057370)<br />Discharge: 5180<br />Height: 5.43
Source: FillmoreSource: Fillmore
Click for details2016-08-28 Buffalo River Shipps Ferry Total trip distance: 28.9 miles5.6 Good Norfork (07057370) 3640 5.25 Poor LSFLSF Fillmore, Brian
Fillmore, Rebecca
Fillmore, Wylee
Javorsek, Rachel
Fillmore, Brian; Fillmore, Rebecca; Fillmore, Wylee; Javorsek, Rachel
No notes for this trip<i>No notes for this trip</i> USGS Gauge Data:
Norfork (07057370)
Discharge: 3640
Height: 5.25
<b>USGS Gauge Data:</b></br />Norfork (07057370)<br />Discharge: 3640<br />Height: 5.25
Source: FillmoreSource: Fillmore

A total of 3 rows are displayed.

Trip Summary for White River (Arkansas)


Condition Descriptions

Fishing Conditions

Fish Species


Classic Trip List

The classic River Trips application is still available for use. It is updated with the new system using a data retrofit. It is no longer maintained. The original River Trips application is no longer updated (as of 1 Dec 2016) but can be checked for errors or for the condition of the data before it was converted to the new system.